I am really not trying to rob your children of an education. I just want to warn you of what will happen when your sweet innocent child will leave the nest for his or her first day of kindergarten--- they will start to grow up!
Yes, it is sad but true. I remember so naively thinking how wonderful it would be when the Boy started school. The adventure of buying new school clothes and school supplies. Meeting his teacher for the first time. It all seemed so pure and wonderful. But it is basically the beginning of the end.
From their first day of school time speeds up to a hectic pace and all efforts to slow down and smell the roses are useless. Trust me, I speak from experience.
remember the day like it was yesterday (mostly because I am convinced it was)...
I dropped the Boy, who at the time was still my Baby off at school- safely in the care of his new teacher. I drove to work with tears streaming down my cheeks, determined to make it to 3 pm when I could have my baby back.
I rushed to the school to pick up my Baby and a 10 year old boy walked out the door and hoped in the car. I swear it's true- because there is no way that 5+ years have passed since he started school. Where on earth did the time go?
Today when I go home from work I will not be
greeted by a vibrant 5 year old. In his place will be a handsome 10 year old. A full on
pre-teen kid!
In the past week I have been informed that:
1- he no longer has
owies. He has bruises, scratches, etc. But not
OWIES2- he is too old for the kids menu at restaurants as they are for "little kids"
3- cartoon type movies are "Boring"
4- he has also informed me that he will be picking out his clothes for school this year.
Knock me over with a feather I tell you. It all started because of that fateful first day of kindergarten. My baby went to school and started to grow up. I have begged him repeatedly to stop growing up and to stay the age he is. Unfortunately he just laughs at me like I am kidding.
So, yes- I blame kindergarten. If I had it to do all over I wouldn't let him go.