Monday, August 25, 2008

The Mom likes to Brag

So far the new school year is off to a smashing success. The Boy proudly came home with his first two tests of the school year- both A+. It is wonderful to have the Boy so proud of school and happy to be back in the swing of things.
What a relief to have us in the third week of school with no breakdowns, no arguments, temper tantrums etc. He is still showering without much complaint, doing his homework and going to bed without a fight. It is so great to see him growing up and getting older but it is a little sad to know that my baby is nearly a teenager.

The Dad is feeling a bit guilty about the Date Night that never was and has some secret plans for my birthday on Wednesday. Since we have virtually eliminated eating out from our lives I have been having a terrible time trying to pick a restaurant to have my birthday dinner at. I solved that little problem quite easily tonight.
The Boy is now scheduled to make dinner (with supervision) one night per week- he has decided to make dinner on Wednesday for my birthday!

I realize it's only Monday but I really hope the rest of this week flies by.

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